Dear Tree of Life School Community,

I hope you and your family are getting some much need rest and relaxation this summer. As you probably know, our Fall opening has been at the forefront of the minds of our staff at TOLCS. On July 14, the TOLCS board cabinet voted for distance learning beginning on August 17, 2020. It was a decision that was not made lightly. It was made with the safety of our school community as the number one priority. Since COVID-19 statistics in Mendocino County have been on the rise and distance learning seemed imminent, the board cabinet made this decision to give our staff the most time possible to plan for an upgraded version of our previous distance learning plan. We know this decision will have a huge impact on our families, so we would like to be a hub for us to support one another during this difficult time. Please call the office if you have specific need and we will do everything we can to support you. Julia and I are in the office most days during the summer.

August 11-13 will be reserved for families to meet individually with teachers to set student goals, check out chromebooks and hotspots, if needed, and receive details about our distance learning program. A sign up on ParentSquare will be sent out during the first week of August. Instructional staff will be on site beginning August 10. They will provide links to on line learning programs and Montessori lessons through Google classrooms and SeeSaw. Our Move this World SEL program will also be available to use at home.

As an additional service, the school will function as a contact for child care services for our Tree of Life community. If you are willing to provide child care/babysitting for a parent who needs to work, or you need child care/babysitting, you can leave your contact information with the school and we can try to connect you.

Stacy S. Strauss